

Filipino / Tagalog language translation for the meaning of the word ninyong.

Definition of ninyong:

"ninyo" + "ng"

* ninyong is a combination of the word "ninyó" + plus the ligature "ng" to create: "ninyong".
Read more about Filipino language ligature grammar here »

1 [ng pronoun] you (polite)
2 [ng pronoun] you all (plural you)
3 [possessive pronoun] your

This is only a partial description for the base word.
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* recommended.
Example Sentences:
Huwág ninyóng úupuán itó.
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Don't you ever sit on this.
Anó pô ang gustó ninyóng órderín?
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What would you (all) like to order?
Huwág ninyóng isama ang ba.
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Don't take / bring the child along with you.
Anó ang gustó ninyóng laruín natin?
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What game would you like us to play?
Gustó ninyóng magsimulâ ulî tayo sa umpisá?
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