Peeling in Tagalog
The best Filipino / Tagalog translation for the English word peeling.The English word "peeling" can be translated as the following words in Tagalog:
1.) pangalukabkáb
the act of removing or chipping away at something; stripping; peeling; chipping; more...
5.) lakmós
the peeling of skin due to a burn, abrasion, or scalding; peeling; blistering; flaking; more...
7.) maluway
slipmouth; a type of small, flat, and round-bodied fish (genus leiognathus) that usually grows up to 10 cm in length; the act of peeling sugarcane.; ponyfish; peeling; more...
8.) ngalukabkáb
the peeling or removal of paint or plaster from a wall or surface; peeling; flaking; chipping; blistering; more...
9.) ngalobakbák
the act of shedding one's own skin; peeling; flaking; exfoliation; more...
10.) paknós
having shed leaves, as in the branches of a tree, or having peeling skin, as in the body of a human or animal; bare; leafless; peeling; more...
11.) paloot
a visayan term also used by tagalogs, referring to the act of peeling fruits and vegetables like cucumbers, pineapples, etc.; peeling; paring; shelling; more...
12.) balikaskás
the act of peeling with complete composure; peeling; flaking; scaling; more...
14.) lupas
the act of removing the skin of sugar cane or the husk of a coconut; husking; peeling; shucking; more...
15.) linák
the process of peeling or scraping off gradually, akin to how one peels the skin of sugarcane.; peeling; scraping; shaving; more...
16.) linagsák
the act of peeling or stripping gradually, akin to peeling the skin of sugarcane.; peeling; stripping; flaying; more...
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