
Prohibition in Tagalog

The best Filipino / Tagalog translation for the English word prohibition.

The English word "prohibition" can be translated as the following words in Tagalog:

1.) ngiling - abstinence; the act of refraining from indulgence; something that is forbidden, such as abstaining from meat on days designated by religion; fasting; prohibition; refraining; self-denial; more...
2.) intérdiksiyón - a method of prohibition or act of prohibiting; ban; prohibition; embargo; injunction; more...
3.) tabú - taboo; a prohibition on certain words, forms of behavior, and others as dictated by social customs; prohibition; ban; forbidden; restriction; more...
4.) prebénsiyón - action to prevent an event or occurrence from happening; prevention; prohibition; deterrence; more...
5.) bihilya - abstinence; avoidance of luxury or indulgence; something that is forbidden, such as abstaining from meat on days set by religion; fasting; self-restraint; temperance; prohibition; more...
6.) sawáy - [noun] rebuke ; reprimand; reprehension; prohibiting more...
7.) angsól - [noun] rebuke ; reprimand; reprehension; prohibiting more...

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