
Resonance in Tagalog

The best Filipino / Tagalog translation for the English word resonance.

The English word "resonance" can be translated as the following words in Tagalog:

1.) ugong - [noun] roaring; resonance; howling; thundering; booming; boom; buzzing more...
2.) atibangáw - reverberation of a loud sound, like thunder and the reverberation of a bell; echo; reverberation; resonance; more...
3.) resonánsiyá - resonance; echoing, as in sound; echo; reverberation; amplification; more...
4.) hagunghóng - a resonating or echoing sound of water falling or flowing in an enclosed area, such as a cave or pipes; rumble; roar; resonance; echo; more...
5.) kalatwát - seems like a reverberating hum or echo; resonance; reverberation; echo; more...
6.) inogong - [noun] roaring; resonance; howling; thundering; booming; boom; buzzing more...
7.) dayandáng - echo; reverberation; resonance; echoing sound; more...
8.) tabumbóng - a gong-like sound, usually heard in a cave or tunnel; echo; reverberation; resonance; more...
9.) aluniging kidkid - [noun] resonance more...

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