
Ridge in Tagalog

The best Filipino / Tagalog translation for the English word ridge.

The English word "ridge" can be translated as the following words in Tagalog:

1.) loma - ridge; an elevated area of land with a shape resembling a spine; the mountainous region of a plain or the top of a hill; hillock; knoll; mound; more...
2.) kalapâ - a part or branch of anything; rind of a fruit; prong of a fork or blade of scissors; ridge or summit of a row of mountains; segment; rind; prong; blade; ridge; summit; more...
3.) tinlák - ridge or the canal on top of it; ridge; canal; more...
4.) bankota - a sharp crest of rock, sand, or coral that is nearly at the sea surface; a type of large squid.; reef; ridge; squid; cuttlefish; more...
5.) golót - mountains situated opposite each other; parallel mountains; range; ridge; mountain range; more...
6.) guragud - a sharp ridge of rock, sand, or coral that is nearly at the surface of the sea; a type of large squid; reef; ridge; squid; more...
7.) galurgór - a range of mountain peaks; mountain range; ridge; sierra; more...
8.) talatáy - the flow within a vein; a ridge or a line.; vein flow; ridge; line; more...
9.) hapi - mounds around rice fields; embankment; ridge; levee; more...
10.) kolina - hillock; an elevated area resembling a ridge; the mountainous region of a plain or the top of a hill; knoll; mound; ridge; hummock; more...
11.) bangkota - [noun] a sharp ridge of rock, sand, or coral that is almost at the surface of the sea; reef; ridge; shoal; more...
12.) ulumbubóng - ridgecap; the peak or topmost part of a roof; a covering on it which may be made of wood, tiles, or corrugated iron sheets; roof peak; roof ridge; ridge; more...

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