
Root: anak

anak is a common word root in the Filipino language.

Meaning of the root anak:
~ related to children

Anak Words and Definitions:

Example words using the Filipino / Tagalog root "anak"

anák : [noun] son or daughter; child; children; offspring; * gender-less word to refer to one's child   more... »
kamag-anak : [noun] relative; kin; family member   more... »
anakín : [verb] to act as a sponsor in a baptism   more... »
manganák : [verb] to give birth   more... »
ináanák : [noun] godchild   more... »
magkaanák : [verb] to have a child (give birth); to have a baby; to give birth   more... »
mag-anák : [verb] to have a child; to breed; to produce offspring   more... »
mag-anak : [noun] family; the whole family; family members   more... »
kaanak : [noun/adjective] relative; of the same family   more... »
ipanganák : [verb] (OF) to give birth to someone; (AF) to be born; * focus on the person being born   more... »
panganganák : [noun] childbirth; giving birth; delivery of a child   more... »
anakán : [verb] to have someone's child   more... »
junakis : [slang] children (slang from "anak")   more... »
kapapanganák : just gave birth; recently gave birth; newly born   more... »
kapanganakan : [noun] birthday; nativity; birth   more... »
pag-aanák : [noun] the method of giving birth to a child; the process of childbirth.; childbirth; procreation; reproduction;   more... »
anák-anakan : [noun] foster child   more... »
makapanganák : [verb] to be able to have a baby/give birth   more... »
bonák : [noun] stupid child; stupid kid; dumb kid; (slang)   more... »
maanak : [adjective] having many children or offspring   more... »
nakshie : [slang] slang for "anak"   more... »
pag-anak : [noun] the act of giving birth   more... »
páanakan : [noun] midwife clinic; birthing center;   more... »
ának-anak : a long bamboo stick used to clamp nipa, cogon, or sawali for houses; bamboo clamp; bamboo fastener;   more... »
anák-hilig : a piece of bamboo that is placed within the strands during weaving; heddle; reed;   more... »
anák-dalág : a young mudfish; fry of a mudfish; mudfish fry; young mudfish;   more... »
anák-tilik : [noun] step-sibling; step-brother; step-sister   more... »
magpanganak : [verb] to deliver (a baby)   more... »
walang-anak : [adjective] childless   more... »
sang-anakan : animals born in the same litter; littermates;   more... »
kaánaktilik : in ancient society, a sibling or siblings by two deceased parents.; sibling; brother; sister;   more... »
anák-dalitâ : [adjective] born poor   more... »
anák-sa-lupa : unknown parentage; someone whose parents are unknown; foundling; orphan;   more... »
kamág-anakin : [verb] to consider someone as a relative   more... »
papanganakin : [verb] to propagate   more... »
anák na babae : [noun] daughter   more... »
anák sa labás : [noun] bastard; bastard child; illegitimate child   more... »
anák na lalaki : [noun] son, male child   more... »
bágong-panganák : [adjective] newborn   more... »
bugtóng na anák : [noun] only child   more... »
anak na pangaman : [noun] stepchild   more... »
anak na panguman : [noun] stepchild   more... »
bayang-pinanganakan : [noun] birthplace   more... »

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