

Filipino / Tagalog language translation for the meaning of the word sangyawa in the Tagalog Dictionary.

Definition for the Tagalog word sangyawa:

sulfur; a non-metallic element present in various forms, the most common being a yellow, crystalline, solid substance that burns with a blue flame, emits a foul smell, and is used in gunpowder and matches (atomic number 16, symbol s); anything similar to or containing sulfur; a substance believed to comprise lightning and hellfire; a type of yellow butterfly (family pieridae).; brimstone

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Related English Words:
sulfura non-metallic element present in various formsthe most common being a yellowcrystallinesolid substance that burns with a blue flameemits a foul smelland is used in gunpowder and matches (atomic number 16symbol s)anything similar to or containing sulfura substance believed to comprise lightning and hellfirea type of yellow butterfly (family pieridae).brimstone
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