
Scar in Tagalog

The best Filipino / Tagalog translation for the English word scar.

The English word "scar" can be translated as the following words in Tagalog:

Best translations for the English word scar in Tagalog:
This is an especially good Filipino word match for the English keyword you've searched for. peklat   [noun] scar; pock mark; skin blemish more...
This is an especially good Filipino word match for the English keyword you've searched for. bakát   [noun] trace; mark; scar; outline more...
This is an especially good Filipino word match for the English keyword you've searched for. pilat   [noun] scar; blemish more...

More matches for "scar" in Tagalog:

1.) galos - [noun] scratch; small cut; scar more...
2.) gurlís - [noun] small scratch; small cut; scar. more...
3.) galusgós - a deep and long scratch or scar on the skin or any surface; scratch; scar; gash; more...
4.) gurlít - [noun] scratch; small cut; scar more...
5.) gadlós - [noun] scratch; small cut; scar more...
6.) lokát - a scar on the face, such as the holes left by smallpox; scar; pockmark; blemish; more...
7.) hinulá - a bruise or scar that remains from a beating; bruise mark; scar; contusion; more...
8.) ahor - a scar or scab resulting from a dog bite; scar; scab; more...
9.) ahod - scratch or mark of an animal bite on human skin; scratch; scar; mark; more...
10.) bakokang - a wound that takes a long time to heal and leaves a large and deep scar on the skin; scar; keloid; cicatrix; more...
11.) piklat - variant of 'peklat'; scar; blemish; mark; more...
12.) duplís - [noun] scratch; small cut; scar more...
13.) bikat - a scar under the jaw.; scar; mark; more...
14.) lahab - engraving, dent, or mark left on wood, soft metal, or anything similar; indentation; notch; groove; scar; more...
15.) kudlís - [noun] wound or scar obtained from a sharp object more...
16.) bumakát - [verb] to trace; to outline more...

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