
Scarecrow in Tagalog

The best Filipino / Tagalog translation for the English word scarecrow.

The English word "scarecrow" can be translated as the following words in Tagalog:

Best translation for the English word scarecrow in Tagalog:
This is an especially good Filipino word match for the English keyword you've searched for. balyán   a humanoid figure erected in the middle of a field and used to scare away birds; scarecrow; more...

More matches for "scarecrow" in Tagalog:

1.) panakot - [noun] threat; anything used to cause fear; scarecrow more...
2.) pangiklá - a tool used to scare away or deter; scarecrow; deterrent; repellent; more...
3.) palogsô - a type of effigy or scarecrow used to scare away pests from plantations.; scarecrow; effigy; decoy; more...
4.) espantaho - scarecrow; a humanoid figure set up in the middle of a field used to scare away birds; more...
5.) ay-áy - scarecrow; a human-like figure set up in the middle of a field to scare away birds.; bird scarer; effigy; more...
6.) pasarlák - a clapper made from bamboo tubes used to scare birds away; bird scare; scarecrow; bird scarer; more...
7.) bángkiyáw - a piece of cloth or a damaged mat that comes with a handle and is erected in the field to scare away birds; scarecrow; more...
8.) alay-ay - a humanoid figure set up in the middle of a field and used to scare away birds; scarecrow; bird scarer; decoy; more...
9.) haytí - a human figure or effigy set up in a field to scare birds away; scarecrow; more...
10.) palangbó - a clapper used as a bird scarer; scarecrow; bird scarer; clapper; more...
11.) palangó - a hollow bamboo tube that produces a clanking sound and is used as a scarecrow for birds and animals; scarecrow; bird scarer; animal deterrent; more...

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