
Scrape in Tagalog

The best Filipino / Tagalog translation for the English word scrape.

The English word "scrape" can be translated as the following words in Tagalog:

Best translations for the English word scrape in Tagalog:
This is an especially good Filipino word match for the English keyword you've searched for. kaskasín   [verb] to scrape something; to grate something more...
This is an especially good Filipino word match for the English keyword you've searched for. kayurin   [verb] to scrape something more...

More matches for "scrape" in Tagalog:

1.) dasdás - abrasion; scratch; scrape; graze; more...
2.) galmós - a scratch or abrasion wound caused by nails, thorns, and others; scratch; abrasion; scrape; more...
3.) korkór - to scrape or to grate; to perform the act of scraping or grating; scrape; grate; more...
4.) korlás - lines or scratches produced by something that cuts or slices; scratch; score; scrape; mark; more...
5.) kudkód - to remove the flesh of a coconut by scraping it on a bladed instrument with teeth; grate; scrape; shred; more...
6.) gayad - the act of scraping or scratching against a surface; scrape; scratch; graze; more...
7.) trakitilyo - scrape; a fish (caranx oblongus) that lacks scales on its belly; the sound of gravel falling.; jackfish; rattle; more...
8.) kukót - to peel or scrape off something using the fingernails; scratch; scrape; peel; more...
9.) ilair - to scrape off or to grate; scrape; grate; shave; more...
10.) supnít - a glancing blow or hole; a slight scrape or a small tear.; graze; scratch; scrape; nick; more...
11.) gulamos - a scratch or abrasion caused by nails, thorns, sharp grass, and others; scratch; abrasion; scrape; more...
12.) hadhád - [noun] abrasion; chafing; scrape; rub; more...
13.) halas - a scratch on the skin caused by a sharp blade or by cutting grasses such as cogon; scratch; abrasion; scrape; more...
14.) alatiit - [noun] sound created by moving bamboo trees, footsteps on stairs or floor, door hinges, the scraping of a door against the floor, or mechanisms that are lacking oil; creak; squeak; scrape; grinding noise; more...
15.) galamós - a scratch or a line on the face created by nails, a nail, or any sharp object; scratch; scrape; graze; more...
16.) magkiskis - [verb] to scrape or grind; to set on fire (e.g., light a match) more...
17.) sumimót - [verb] to scrape up more...
18.) sagarsár - variant of 'sagadsad'; scrape; drag; grind; rub; more...
19.) kumalkál - [verb] to rummage through; to scratch; to scrape more...
20.) ráspahín - [verb] to scrape something more...
21.) magsandók - [verb] to scoop out; to ladle; to scrape out more...
22.) kagaskás - noise created by sand being stepped on; scrape; grate; scrunch; grind; more...
23.) kalkál - the act of scraping or scratching by means of fingernails; scrape; scratch; dig; more...
24.) hagid - the act of brushing against or scraping on something that can contaminate or infect.; brush against; scrape; graze; more...
25.) kagiskís - the sound of two metals scraping against each other; scrape; grate; scratching sound; grinding noise; more...
26.) paknót - any part of the human or animal body that has been stripped of skin; abrasion; scrape; excoriation; more...
27.) latlát - a wound that is peeling off on the back of a horse or on a person's buttocks; abrasion; excoriation; scrape; scratch; more...
28.) higahód - variant of higahid; scrape; scratch; more...
29.) dagasrás - variant of dagasdas; scrape; scratch; graze; more...
30.) gisagis - the act of rubbing one's body against a wall, tree, or similar structure in order to relieve itching or remove dirt from the body; scrub; rub; scrape; more...
31.) kagudkód - scrape; scratch off; scratch; shave; grate; more...
32.) higod - to scrape or to draw towards oneself; drag; pull; scrape; draw; more...

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