
Shrimp in Tagalog

The best Filipino / Tagalog translation for the English word shrimp.

The English word "shrimp" can be translated as the following words in Tagalog:

Best translation for the English word shrimp in Tagalog:

More matches for "shrimp" in Tagalog:

1.) alamáng - [noun] small shrimp, often used to make bagoong more...
2.) soponalat - a species of prawn; prawn; shrimp; more...
3.) suwahe - a small shrimp (metapenaeus ensis) that reaches a maximum length of about 15 cm and a weight of 18 grams, with a somewhat gray color and dark brown spots, commonly found in shallow and slightly brackish waters.; shrimp; prawn; bay shrimp; more...
4.) buhukán - a type of shrimp with many antennae; shrimp; prawn; more...
5.) kuwakit - a species of small shrimp (metapenaeopsis palmensis), the largest of which can reach up to 10 cm in length and weigh 6 grams, with a body color that is somewhat reddish-brown with dark brown spots, and is caught in large numbers at sea; shrimp; prawn; more...
6.) uráng - prawn; shrimp; more...
7.) aptá - [noun] small shrimp, often used to make bagoong more...
8.) yapyáp - a small fish or shrimp; minnow; fry; shrimp; fingerling; more...
9.) kulagyá - a species of small shrimp; shrimp; prawn; more...
10.) hototay - a soup dish with pieces of pork, ham, shrimp, shredded cabbage, and other vegetables; soup; broth; stew; more...

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