Bamboo in Tagalog
The best Filipino / Tagalog translation for the English word bamboo.The English word "bamboo" can be translated as the following words in Tagalog:
Best translation for the English word bamboo in Tagalog:
More matches for "bamboo" in Tagalog:
5.) tibuhos
the entire length of a log, bamboo, pipe, and similar items; whole length; full length; entire span; more...
8.) tagisí
a general term for forest bamboos, such as reeds, bikal, and bukawe; bamboo; reed; forest bamboo; more...
12.) bukawe
a slim but dense type of bamboo (dinochloa scandens), which is straight and can grow up to 10 meters, has long internodes, and is thornless; bamboo; thornless bamboo; more...
14.) kalbáng
a species of bamboo that has long internodes, slender body, and small leaves; bamboo; more...
16.) buwo
a type of bamboo with thin skin; a state of being tangled or knotted.; bamboo; tangle; knot; more...
18.) bagakay
a species of bamboo (schizostachyum lumampao) that is used for blowguns or as a fence for fish corrals; considered the smallest, softest, but the bamboo with the longest internodes; bamboo; blowgun bamboo; fish corral bamboo; more...
20.) púnong-kawayan
[noun] bamboo tree more...
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