
Basket in Tagalog

The best Filipino / Tagalog translation for the English word basket.

The English word "basket" can be translated as the following words in Tagalog:

Best translations for the English word basket in Tagalog:
This is an especially good Filipino word match for the English keyword you've searched for. bilao   1.) [noun] a flat circular tray or basket, usually made with woven bamboo; 2.) [noun] a flat round-shaped rice winnower; more...
This is an especially good Filipino word match for the English keyword you've searched for. buslô   [noun] small basket more...
This is an especially good Filipino word match for the English keyword you've searched for. takuyan   a basket made from tightly woven pieces of bamboo or rattan, with a round opening but a four-cornered body; basket; more...
This is an especially good Filipino word match for the English keyword you've searched for. tiklís   a basket with a wide opening, loosely woven, and with a pair of ear-like handles; basket; hamper; more...
This is an especially good Filipino word match for the English keyword you've searched for. kaíng   [noun] a type of large woven basket more...

More matches for "basket" in Tagalog:

1.) bayóng - [noun] woven bag or basket with handles more...
2.) baluyot - a woven bag commonly used for placing rice; basket; sack; woven bag; more...
3.) bakár - large container or basket; basket; bin; hamper; more...
4.) galalan - a portable container made from woven thin strips of bamboo or leaves of buri palm tightly interlaced like a bayong, or with small holes like modern baskets; basket; woven container; bayong; more...
5.) bakir - a type of basket; basket; more...
6.) kanasta - a box or frame, usually made of wood, used for storing fruits, furniture, and others; crate; basket; container; more...
7.) bukót - a basket made from coconut leaves; basket; more...
8.) sesta - basket; more...
9.) luwelang - a fruit-shaped container, usually made out of bamboo skin; basket; vessel; container; more...
10.) buklót - a large basket made from thickly sliced bamboo; usually used for carrying a substantial amount of goods; basket; hamper; crate; more...
11.) halughugan - [noun] small basket more...
12.) takbâ - trunk; a large rectangular basket made from tightly woven rattan or bamboo, typically with a cover, and used as a container for clothes during travel.; chest; basket; more...
13.) dagiragi - a kind of small basket with large openings; basket; wicker basket; mesh basket; more...
14.) kalabugsók - a basket or container made from bamboo or rattan; basket; bamboo basket; rattan basket; more...
15.) lilid - a type of basket that is carried; basket; hamper; creel; more...
16.) alibuhón - a small basket or fish trap made of grass or bamboo; fish trap; basket; fish basket; more...
17.) bakwir - a kind of basket; basket; more...
18.) balaong - a container for rice, corn, and the like; large, square, and made of bamboo and rattan; bin; basket; storage box; more...
19.) bandalâ - a large and irregularly interwoven container with a handle; basket; hamper; tub; more...
20.) tambíl - a type of large basket or container; basket; container; hamper; more...
21.) balángolá - a basket made of wood; wooden basket; basket; more...
22.) bukág - [noun] basket more...
23.) pasikíng - [noun] woven basket, usually carried by straps from the shoulder more...
24.) tayaan - [noun] 1. place for betting; 2. simultaneous betting by a number of gamblers more...

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