
Bend in Tagalog

The best Filipino / Tagalog translation for the English word bend.

The English word "bend" can be translated as the following words in Tagalog:

Best translations for the English word bend in Tagalog:
This is an especially good Filipino word match for the English keyword you've searched for. yumukô   [verb] to bow one's head; to bend down; to bend forward; to bend over; to droop; to bow Example Sentences Available Icon1 Example Sentence Available » more...
This is an especially good Filipino word match for the English keyword you've searched for. humubog   [verb] to form; to shape; to bend; to discipline; to train more...

More matches for "bend" in Tagalog:

1.) yukô - [noun] bending down of the head or body; obeisance; bowing; ducking more...
2.) paglikô - [noun] curve; turning; bend in the road; detour more...
3.) sikot - a path or similar with many twists or turns; twist; turn; bend; winding path; more...
4.) yumukód - [verb] to bow; to bend over more...
5.) lingig - the act of bending forcibly; bend; twist; warp; more...
6.) baluktutín - [verb] to bend or coil something more...
7.) milíng - crushed to make it bend; bend; curve; twist; more...
8.) tabyô - a curve in a river that usually becomes deep; bend; meander; curve; more...
9.) lantík - [noun] an attractive curve such as the curve of the eyelashes, fingers, or waist; curve; arch; bend; more...
10.) repraktá - to change the direction of a ray or radio wave; refract; bend; deflect; more...
11.) huyok - the act of folding or creasing a thin thing; fold; crease; bend; more...
12.) kurbadura - the most curved or arched part of an object; in the context of a path or street, the bend or curve; curve; arc; bend; more...
13.) tabiyó - the winding part of a river, or its depth; meander; bend; curvature; depth; more...
14.) sigík - the bending or straining of the neck due to the weight of what is being carried on it; strain; bend; stoop; more...
15.) balingat - the state of a body part being bent or broken.; fracture; break; bend; deformation; more...
16.) habyók - a creak or the act of bending or sagging downwards due to weight; the sound produced by the bending of a post or sagging of a chair, bed, tree branch, and similar items because of weight or pressure exerted on them; buckle; creak; sag; bend; more...
17.) pilipitin - [verb] to twist or to coil; twist; coil; bend; more...
18.) bungkaló - a seed that is curved like a hook; hook; curve; bend; more...
19.) linggí - a curved shape or form; a piece of metal or wood that has been smoothed and shaped into a curve.; curve; arch; bend; more...
20.) ukor - bow or the act of bowing; bow; bend; stoop; more...
21.) ukód - variant of yukod; bow; stoop; bend; more...
22.) ukô - variant of bow or bend; bow; bend; stoop; more...
23.) rekodo - angle, corner, or bend in a path or road; angle; corner; bend; more...
24.) balokwí - to bend the end or tip of a nail; bend; twist; more...
25.) dukdók - the act of bowing with the forehead leaning on something; bow; stoop; bend; more...
26.) badlíng - to twist or bend towards a direction; bend; twist; deviate; more...
27.) hiwíd - to bend like the curved end of a nail; bend; curve; twist; more...
28.) pálikuan - [noun] turn off / bend in the road more...
29.) likuan - [noun] bend; detour more...
30.) iyukô - [verb] to bend something; to cause something to bend more...

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