Bobbin in Tagalog
The best Filipino / Tagalog translation for the English word bobbin.The English word "bobbin" can be translated as the following words in Tagalog:
Best translation for the English word bobbin in Tagalog:
More matches for "bobbin" in Tagalog:
1.) sikuwán
a cylindrical object such as a spool or reel used for winding thread, wire, or other kinds of filament.; spool; reel; bobbin; more...
2.) sikwán
a stick around which thread is wound for weaving; spindle; bobbin; weaver's tool; more...
4.) batóng-sorlán
a stone used for spinning thread; spool; spindle whorl; bobbin; more...
5.) kambíl
a cylindrical object such as a spool or reel around which thread, wire, or other types of strands are wound for organization; spool; reel; bobbin; more...
7.) ikirán
a cylindrical object like a spool or reel on which thread, wire, and other strands are wound; spool; reel; bobbin; more...
8.) pulunán
a cylindrical object such as a spool or reel around which thread, wire, or other strands are neatly wound; spool; reel; bobbin; more...
9.) karete
in sewing or weaving, it refers to the spool, reel, or bobbin of thread; spool; reel; bobbin; more...
10.) guguyunán
in weaving, a small rod-like object on which threads are hung; spindle; bobbin; spool; more...
11.) palilyo
a tool they use for making lace or weaving nets; bobbin; spool; weaving tool; more...
12.) digdigan
to wind around; a cylindrical object like a spool or reel which is used to orderly wind thread, wire, and other types of strands; spool; reel; bobbin; more...
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