
Clamp in Tagalog

The best Filipino / Tagalog translation for the English word clamp.

The English word "clamp" can be translated as the following words in Tagalog:

1.) kablín - variant of 'kabling'; pliers; tongs; clamp; vise; more...
2.) plehe - a bond or fastening made of iron or steel; chain; shackle; link; clamp; fastener; more...
3.) tarabilya - a nail or a small metal clamp used to tighten the frame of a saw; clamp; screw; bolt; more...
4.) higkót - to tighten and clamp; to secure firmly in place; tighten; secure; fasten; bind; clamp; more...
5.) apretadór - a tool for tightening; clamp; vice; wrench; tightener; more...
6.) bagír - forceful bite; a strong act of biting.; chomp; gnaw; clamp; more...
7.) kimpít - the act of squeezing or being squeezed, such as the squeezing of one's body and arms against something; squeeze; pinch; clamp; press; more...
8.) pirinsa - variant of 'prinsa'; clamp; vise; press; more...
9.) maniha - a clamp or fastener used to keep two objects tightly joined together, such as a clamp joining two pieces of metal sheet; to prevent an object from moving, such as a neck brace or clothespin; to gather many items together, such as a clip or brooch in hair; clamp; brace; fastener; clip; brooch; more...
10.) porseps - a tool or instrument used as a clamp or forceps; forceps; clamp; tweezers; pliers; more...

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