
Deer in Tagalog

The best Filipino / Tagalog translation for the English word Deer.

The English word "Deer" can be translated as the following words in Tagalog:

Best translation for the English word Deer in Tagalog:

More matches for "Deer" in Tagalog:

1.) rusa - a type of large deer (cervus timorensis) that is found in indonesia; deer; more...
2.) pámurulan - [noun] deer more...
3.) paluksó - trap used for catching pigs, deer, and the like; trap; snare; more...
4.) benado - all animals of the deer kind (family cervidae); deer; stag; doe; fawn; buck; hart; more...
5.) lukbâ - dried or cured meat such as pork, beef, deer, and the like; jerky; cured meat; dried meat; more...
6.) lukmâ - cured; specifically, a cured meat from pork, beef, deer, and the like, resembling jerky or salted meat; jerky; cured meat; salted meat; more...
7.) pindáng - dried or cured meat such as pork, beef, deer, and the like; often associated with a form of marinated and sun-dried or cured beef or meat in filipino cuisine; jerky; cured meat; dried meat; more...

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