
Extraction in Tagalog

The best Filipino / Tagalog translation for the English word extraction.

The English word "extraction" can be translated as the following words in Tagalog:

1.) ekstráksiyón - [noun] extraction more...
2.) tublís - the act of removing a splinter using a needle or pin; splinter removal; extraction; more...
3.) dawil - the act of forcibly drawing out blood from a wound or incision.; bleeding out; extraction; more...
4.) éksterpasyón - the act of extraction, such as pulling out roots; extraction; uprooting; more...
5.) ibot - pulling out or uprooting; extraction; uprooting; pulling out; more...
6.) lapsô - the act or process of pulling or drawing out.; extraction; withdrawal; removal; more...
7.) lumpát - the act of leaving or saving a person or thing that disrupts order; departure; abandonment; escape; extraction; rescue; more...
8.) bunlót - a pull; an act of pulling something out; pull; tug; extraction; more...
9.) iimon - the act of sucking out juice, similar to the juice of sugar cane; sucking; extraction; more...
10.) lalip - the act of removing the brain from the bone or the core from the trunk of a tree; extraction; removal; more...

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