Fish in Tagalog
The best Filipino / Tagalog translation for the English word fish.The English word "fish" can be translated as the following words in Tagalog:
Best translation for the English word fish in Tagalog:
More matches for "fish" in Tagalog:
4.) makapangisdâ
[verb] to be able to fish more...
6.) relyinuhin
[verb] to prepare stuffed chicken, fish, turkey, etc. more...
7.) relyenuhin
[verb] to prepare stuffed chicken, fish, turkey, etc. more...
8.) magrelyeno
[verb] to prepare or cook into stuffed chicken, fish, turkey, etc. more...
10.) bulúbuktó
broad or wide; a saltwater fish (carangoides malabaricus) that has large teeth and a blue and white body.; broad; wide; fish; more...
11.) atado
dividing into bundles or heaps such as vegetables, fish, and other food items; bundle; heap; pile; more...
12.) dálaydayan
a lattice-like framework for weaving nets, fish, and others; lattice; framework; grid; more...
14.) behetaryano
vegetarian; a person who does not eat meat, fish, chicken, or any animals, and only eats vegetables, fruits, grains, nuts, and the like because of believed moral principles or nutritional theories; more...
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