
Fishing Net in Tagalog

The best Filipino / Tagalog translation for the English word fishing net.

The English word "fishing net" can be translated as the following words in Tagalog:

Best translation for the English word fishing net in Tagalog:
This is an especially good Filipino word match for the English keyword you've searched for. lambát   [noun] net; fishing net more...

More matches for "fishing net" in Tagalog:

1.) sakág - a small net, usually for catching shrimp, which is attached to crossed bamboo sticks; shrimp net; fishing net; more...
2.) panghalubaybáy - a circular net used for catching small fish; fishing net; cast net; more...
3.) bayákos-panlakad - a net arranged like a trawl net, held by two people, and used for catching in shallow waters.; drag net; seine net; fishing net; more...
4.) kansi - a type of net used for catching sardines and other similar fish; sardine net; fishing net; more...
5.) salambáw - a large net used for catching fish, mounted on a raft; fishing net; fishnet; more...
6.) sinsoro - a general term for a net with weights that is used along the coast; fishing net; weighted net; more...
7.) kulakod - a type of net; net; fishing net; trawl; seine; more...
8.) sinsórong-panalikop - a supporting tool; in batangas, a net for catching tuna.; tuna net; fishing net; more...
9.) sinsórong-pandayo - [noun] a type of net used for catching tuna in the open sea; tuna net; fishing net; more...
10.) panalikop - a scoop net for catching tuna; scoop net; fishing net; more...
11.) bayakos - a fishing net made from sinamay fabric; fishing net; seine; gill net; more...
12.) ataraya - a net used for fishing; fishing net; dragnet; seine; more...
13.) alawás - a net used for catching fish; fishing net; dragnet; seine; more...
14.) aranyas - a device with many hooks used for catching fish; fishnet; fishing net; dragnet; more...
15.) taksáy - a type of net that is laid on the seabed and attached to a docked boat; net for small fish; fishing net; seine; drag net; more...
16.) limpót - a net in the shape of a bag, made of sinamay, and used for catching shrimp and fish; net; fishing net; shrimp net; more...
17.) sayód - a small type of fishing net; net; fishing net; more...
18.) sikpáw - a type of net; net; fishing net; more...
19.) pangtí - a large fishing net; fishing net; dragnet; seine; more...
20.) púkot-alangán - a type of fishing net for catching catfish and other kinds of fish, used at a depth of two fathoms.; fishing net; gill net; more...
21.) púkot-barimbaw - a type of fishing net designed for catching mudfish and similar to the pukot-laot (another type of fishing net); fishing net; gill net; more...
22.) púkot-tangsi - a type of net that has poles on both sides.; fishing net; seine net; dragnet; more...
23.) diyakós - a net with small holes used for catching small shrimp-like crustaceans; fishing net; shrimp net; more...
24.) paningár - a round net used for night fishing; fishing net; cast net; more...
25.) panuligan - in batangas, a net used for catching tuna; tuna net; fishing net; more...
26.) basníg - a fishing trap used in deep waters that is set up at night, typically with a bright light, net, and a large boat; fish trap; fishing net; trawling net; more...
27.) tigpáw - a small fish trap similar to a fish corral used for fishing at night; fish trap; fishing net; more...
28.) kaság - a square-shaped net made of sinamay fabric attached to crossed bamboos; fishing net; fish trap; more...
29.) barimbáw - a large fishing net with floats on the sides and weights at the bottom.; fishing net; dragnet; seine; trawl; more...
30.) kabyáw - type of fishing net; net; fishing net; more...
31.) dalasundol - a net used for catching small fish in nueva ecija; fishing net; fishnet; more...
32.) kurikan - a type of net that is usually used in batangas; fishing net; fishnet; more...
33.) largarete - a type of fish net; fishing net; dragnet; seine; trawl; more...
34.) bayákos-panggilid - a net arranged like a seine that is positioned on the edge and shallow parts of the water; seine net; fishing trap; fishing net; more...
35.) panté - [noun] dragnet (usually, for fishing) more...

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