Frayed in Tagalog
The best Filipino / Tagalog translation for the English word frayed.The English word "frayed" can be translated as the following words in Tagalog:
1.) lilít
threadbare or frayed threads or fibers of any woven fabric, clothing, or blanket due to overuse and aging; deterioration of clothing due to aging or poor handling; rag; cleaning brush; threadbare; frayed; worn; ragged; tattered; more...
6.) nunót
softened and weakened by time, force, usage, and any violent methods; worn; weathered; weakened; frayed; more...
9.) nitnít
frayed; the state of being frayed and tattered in fabric or clothing.; tattered; ragged; shredded; more...
10.) lamurít
damaged or fell apart due to excessive handling; frayed; worn out; tattered; ragged; more...
11.) nisnís
threads or fibers that are detached or detaching from any woven fabric, clothing, or blanket due to excessive use and wear.; frayed; worn; tattered; more...
12.) lugtâ
worn out or decayed like a rope that has been excessively exposed to the sun; frayed; tattered; decayed; deteriorated; more...
14.) lanót
frayed, worn thin, or softened due to excessive use; frayed; worn out; threadbare; more...
15.) galót-galót
very old or almost worn out, like a tattered mat; tattered; worn out; ragged; dilapidated; frayed; more...
16.) notnót
the state of being frayed and tattered in fabric or clothes; frayed; tattered; ragged; shredded; more...
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