
In Printing in Tagalog

The best Filipino / Tagalog translation for the English word in printing.

The English word "in printing" can be translated as the following words in Tagalog:

1.) kontrapruweba - in printing, a new proof that shows the corrections made to previous proofs; proof; revised proof; correction proof; more...
2.) iwak - in printing, a trick or technique.; trick; technique; method; more...
3.) plekas - in printing, the act of aligning or leveling lines or stripes.; alignment; levelling; justification; more...
4.) kunyás - in printing, a chase or pair of chases to make the typeface flat or level.; chase; printing chase; more...
5.) retirasyón - in printing, the act of printing on the reverse side of a piece of paper; back printing; reverse printing; duplex printing; more...
6.) tímpanó - in printing, a device used to even out the pressure between the plate, and others, on the sheet being printed on; tympan; printing press tympan; tympanum; more...
7.) kursiba - in printing, a type of font that is shaped like handwritten letters; cursive; script typeface; more...

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