
Incision in Tagalog

The best Filipino / Tagalog translation for the English word incision.

The English word "incision" can be translated as the following words in Tagalog:

1.) i - a wound created by the stabbing of a blade or sharp instrument; stab wound; incision; cut; gash; slash; more...
2.) barlís - a line of ink or a blade's cut or mark.; scratch; slash; incision; line; mark; more...
3.) agat-át - a mark made by a knife or saw; notch; score; scratch; incision; more...
4.) tahada - slice; cut; slit; incision; more...
5.) gaat - a slight intentional cut made by a blade to easily break an object; notch; groove; score; incision; more...
6.) tabár - the act of making an incision on a part of the body to remove decaying blood; incision; cutting; lancing; more...
7.) sowít - the bursting or lancing of a boil or lump.; lancing; bursting; incision; more...
8.) sapnít - a wound created by the slash of any sharp object; cut; slash; gash; incision; laceration; more...
9.) kortadura - cut; severance; incision; division; more...
10.) insisyón - cut; incision; slash; more...
11.) absisyón - incision; sudden cutting; cutting; more...
12.) karlít - cut or slice; the act of cutting or slicing; cut; slice; incision; more...

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