

Filipino / Tagalog language translation for the meaning of the word lalong.

Definition of lalong:

"lalo" + "ng"

* lalong is a combination of the word "lalò" + plus the ligature "ng" to create: "lalong".
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[adverb] especially; even more; especially since; more so; even more so; more; increasingly

This is only a partial description for the base word.
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* recommended.
Example Sentences:
Lalong gumágandá ang anák ni John habang lumálakí.
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John's daughter is getting prettier as she grows.
Lalong lalalâ ang sipón mo kung magpápaulán ka.
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Your cold will get even worse if you get yourself wet in the rain.
Habang tumátagál, lalong nalúlungkót si Anna.
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As time passes, Anna becomes even sadder.

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