

Filipino / Tagalog language translation for the meaning of the word mamataan in the Tagalog Dictionary.

Definition for the Tagalog word mamataan:

mamataán  Play audio #38717
[verb] to catch sight of something; to happen to see something; to notice something

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Verb conjugations of mamataan:

Object Focus Icon
Root: mataConjugation Type: Ma- -An
Completed (Past):
Uncompleted (Present):
Contemplated (Future):
mamataán  Play audio #38717
Completed (Past):
namataán  Play audio #38718
Uncompleted (Present):
namámataán  Play audio #38719
Contemplated (Future):
mamámataán  Play audio #38720
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Nais mamataán ng gu ang mga nandarayang estudyante.
Play audio #37598Audio Loop
The teacher wants to catch sight of cheating students.
Nagpuntá akó roón para mamataán ang asong pagála-ga.
Play audio #36897Audio Loop
I went there to catch sight of the stray dog.
Dumungaw siyá sa binta para mamataán si Ara.
Play audio #48800Audio Loop
She looked out the window to catch sight of Ara.
Namataán ni Linda ang nawawalâ kong pu.
Play audio #33893 Play audio #33894Audio Loop
Linda happened to see my lost cat.
Namataán mo ba ang pagdatíng ng mga bisita ng pangulo?
Play audio #48802Audio Loop
Did you happen to see the arrival of the president's guests?
Namataán ng PAGASA ang namúmuóng bagyó sa dagat Pasípikó.
Play audio #37806Audio Loop
PAGASA caught sight of the looming typhoon in the Pacific Ocean.
Namámataán namin ang mga eroplanong lumálapág sa páliparan.
Play audio #32601 Play audio #32599Audio Loop
We are catching sight of the airplanes landing on the landing strip.
Namámataán mo pa ba ang ambulánsiyá?
Play audio #36720Audio Loop
Are you still able to see the ambulance?
Namámataán ni Tony ang guróng pápalapít sa kanilá.
Play audio #37463Audio Loop
Tony sees the teacher approaching them.
Mamámataán mo ang tanawin mulâ sa balkonahe.
Play audio #48801Audio Loop
You will catch sight of the view from the balcony.

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How to pronounce mamataan:

Play audio #38717
Markup Code:
Related Filipino Words:
Related English Words:
catch sightcaught sitehappen to seehappened to seenoticenoticesnoticednoticing
Grammatical Ligature:
This word plus a grammatical ligature would be:
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