
Scholar in Tagalog

The best Filipino / Tagalog translation for the English word scholar.

The English word "scholar" can be translated as the following words in Tagalog:

Best translation for the English word scholar in Tagalog:

More matches for "scholar" in Tagalog:

1.) pahám - a person who is intelligent; a person renowned for intelligence or revered for exceptional wisdom; sage; wise person; scholar; philosopher; savant; more...
2.) rabí - rabbi; the main official of a synagogue who has been trained in a seminary and designated to be the spiritual leader of judaism and the jewish community; a title of respect for jewish teachers and scholars; with a capital letter, a king of egypt; spiritual leader; teacher; scholar; king; more...
3.) púpiló - student; learner; pupil; scholar; disciple; more...
4.) kapista - during the spanish era, a student who works at the school in exchange for free education; scholar; working student; intern; more...
5.) agrasyada - a female student who is being given free education, 'agrasyado' if male; scholar; grant recipient; beneficiary; more...
6.) sabyo - sage; a person who is intelligent; a person famous for wisdom or revered for extraordinary knowledge; strength of liquor and other alcoholic beverages; intellectual; scholar; alcohol potency; alcoholic strength; more...

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