Splash in Tagalog
The best Filipino / Tagalog translation for the English word splash.The English word "splash" can be translated as the following words in Tagalog:
4.) magtampisáw
[verb] to splash around in the water; to play around in water more...
5.) talabó
a splash of water that results from a heavy object being dropped into it.; splash; spatter; spray; more...
9.) salakbó
the act of spurting upwards, such as boiling water or like the water that comes out of a fountain or like the splash of water struck by a whale.; spurt; splash; gush; more...
11.) tabsák
noise created by something when it falls into the water, like an oar or a fish trap; splash; plop; plunk; more...
14.) tilabo
the act of splashing or spattering upwards, akin to the sparks or flecks of a fire.; splash; spatter; spark; fleck; more...
23.) daluwák
the act of spilling, throwing, or flowing rapidly of water or any liquid.; spill; splash; surge; gush; more...
24.) sagapák
the sound of a flat object falling onto the surface of water; splash; plop; splat; more...
26.) tambóg
a strong sound of a splash from something diving or falling into water; splash; plunk; plunge; more...
29.) tilosong
a sudden upward propulsion; an act of splashing or springing upwards; splash; spurt; spring; jet; more...
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