
Standard in Tagalog

The best Filipino / Tagalog translation for the English word standard.

The English word "standard" can be translated as the following words in Tagalog:

Best translations for the English word standard in Tagalog:
This is an especially good Filipino word match for the English keyword you've searched for. ulirán   [noun] example; standard; gold standard; (e.g., standard example against which others are compared) more...
This is an especially good Filipino word match for the English keyword you've searched for. istandard   [noun] standard more...

More matches for "standard" in Tagalog:

1.) pamanay - a flag made out of woven mat that hangs from a long pole; banner; standard; pennant; more...
2.) kriteryo - a principle or standard that serves as a basis for judgment or decision-making; criterion; standard; benchmark; measure; norm; more...
3.) talamdan - a guideline or standard that guides an activity or action; guideline; standard; criterion; benchmark; norm; more...
4.) bulgata - usually done or accepted as ordinary; customary; usual; standard; accepted; ordinary; more...
5.) sumipat - a measure that is one and one-fourth yards; yardstick; measure; standard; more...
6.) kanónikó - referring to the characteristic of being canonical; canonical; standard; conforming; more...
7.) batakán - measure; standard; gauge; benchmark; yardstick; criterion; more...
8.) hanusín - common; usual; typical; ordinary; standard; normal; more...
9.) pendón - a flag used in religious processions; banner; standard; ensign; more...
10.) pasimundán - the first thing made or done that becomes the basis or pattern for others that follow; prototype; template; model; standard; benchmark; more...
11.) paradigma - a model or pattern, usually of a theory or perspective; framework; template; prototype; archetype; standard; more...
12.) iskala - [noun] scale; musical scale; degree more...

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