
Swinging in Tagalog

The best Filipino / Tagalog translation for the English word swinging.

The English word "swinging" can be translated as the following words in Tagalog:

1.) lambitin - [noun] hanging or swinging by the hands or feet (like a monkey); hanging on more...
2.) pag-ugoy - [noun] swaying; swinging more...
3.) gobing - to play with a child by rocking the cradle or hammock.; cradling; rocking; swinging; more...
4.) imbóy - the act of rocking or swinging a cradle or hammock; rocking; swinging; swaying; more...
5.) lawingwíng - the condition of something that is hanging or suspended loosely; dangling; hanging; suspended; pendent; swinging; more...
6.) sambi - swaying like a cradle; rocking; swinging; cradling; more...
7.) ayók - swaying; shaking; wobbling; jiggling; swinging; rocking; more...
8.) waliwas - movement of the arms similar to the waving of a flag; flailing; waving; swinging; fluttering; more...
9.) gulagar - the act of flailing or swinging the arm, also refers to the gesture of moving the hand to reach out and touch something; flailing; swinging; gesturing; reaching; more...
10.) lalawíng - the act of swaying or swinging of an object that is hanging; swinging; swaying; vibrating; oscillating; more...
11.) limpáy - the act of swinging or the motion of anything that is hanging; swinging; sway; oscillation; more...
12.) ngawí - anything that is hanging or suspended that swings or sways due to the wind; swinging; swaying; dangling; more...
13.) dumuyan - [verb] to sway; to swing; more...
14.) mag-ugoy - [verb] to rock; to swing more...

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