
Token in Tagalog

The best Filipino / Tagalog translation for the English word token.

The English word "token" can be translated as the following words in Tagalog:

1.) himakás - an object that serves as a reminder of someone else; memento; keepsake; souvenir; token; reminder; more...
2.) pakipkíp - a token or gift; money or a present given to a godchild after a baptism or confirmation ceremony; gift; token; present; more...
3.) patingá - an item left by a person who wants to get married as a pledge or token; token; pledge; troth; more...
4.) prenda - pawning (i.e., at a pawnshop); a symbol of an agreement, such as a ring; token; pledge; memento; symbol; more...
5.) pitsa - [noun] gaming tile; gaming chip; in gambling, any object such as a round or square plastic piece with a distinctive value used as money; chip; token; gaming chip; more...

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