
Twisting in Tagalog

The best Filipino / Tagalog translation for the English word twisting.

The English word "twisting" can be translated as the following words in Tagalog:

1.) halubidbíd - the act of coiling; the act of entangling; the act of twisting; coiling; entangling; twisting; more...
2.) pagbaluktot - [noun] act of bending, twisting, etc. more...
3.) pagbabaluktot - [noun] act of bending, twisting, etc. more...
4.) kontorsiyón - [noun] the act of twisting or bending until the original shape is lost; contortion; distortion; twisting; warping; more...
5.) liwir - twisting; being twisted; the form of the body that appears twisted due to felt pain; contorting; wringing; warping; more...
6.) kumbolusyón - twisting; coiling; twist; coil; entanglement; more...
7.) balitbít - the act of knotting or twisting a rope.; knotting; twisting; tying; more...
8.) bális-balis - the winding or meandering path of a river and similar formations; meandering; winding; sinuous; serpentine; twisting; more...
9.) pangulót - the act of coiling or twisting thread or rope; coiling; twisting; winding; entwining; more...
10.) pamimilipit - the state of being twisted; twisting; wringing; contorting; warping; more...
11.) libyók - winding or meandering, like a river or path that twists and turns; winding; meandering; twisting; serpentine; sinuous; more...
12.) parasiník - the act of twisting one's body because of a burden or load.; bending; contorting; twisting; more...
13.) wasing - swaying or moving to and fro; meandering; swaying; zigzagging; winding; twisting; more...
14.) bikláng - the act of bending or twisting of the legs; contortion; twisting; bending; more...
15.) pangilím - the act of twisting or tying a knot in something; twisting; knotting; entwining; more...
16.) paikutin - [verb] to rotate something; to spin something; to cause something to turn; to twist something more...
17.) ipilipit - [verb] to twist; to contort more...
18.) pumihit - [verb] to twist; to turn; to veer more...
19.) ipulupot - [verb] to twist something; to coil something around more...
20.) ipihit - [verb] to turn something; to twist something more...

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