
Upright in Tagalog

The best Filipino / Tagalog translation for the English word upright.

The English word "upright" can be translated as the following words in Tagalog:

1.) tirík - [adjective] upright; sticking up; at its peak; erect; rolled back eyes more...
2.) nakatirík - [adjective] rolled back (usually eyes); standing upright more...
3.) sagáng - an object that has fallen but is luckily still standing; upright; standing; balanced; more...
4.) kato - resembling a pointing finger, commonly used to describe rice plants that are growing with their leaves standing erect; upright; erect; pointing; more...
5.) erektíl - standing or erected; erect; upright; erected; more...
6.) tumali - a post of a wall, or standing wood to which horizontal battens are attached; post; stake; upright; stanchion; more...
7.) tugdok - [adjective] upright; sticking up; at its peak; erect; rolled back eyes more...
8.) patali - steep and upright; steep; perpendicular; upright; more...
9.) buntót-tigre - a type of hemp (sansevieria trifasciata), characterized by thick roots, upright, and thick leaves; snake plant; mother-in-law's tongue; more...
10.) birtuwoso - following the principles of morality; virtuous; moral; ethical; righteous; upright; principled; more...
11.) panigás - a post or support that props up a house or roof; pillar; support; prop; stanchion; upright; more...

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