
Yank in Tagalog

The best Filipino / Tagalog translation for the English word yank.

The English word "yank" can be translated as the following words in Tagalog:

Best translation for the English word yank in Tagalog:
This is an especially good Filipino word match for the English keyword you've searched for. baltakín   [verb] to yank something more...

More matches for "yank" in Tagalog:

1.) birá - [noun] strike; punch; yank more...
2.) hablót - [noun] sudden pull or snatch; yank; tug; jerk; more...
3.) birahín - [verb] to pull something; to tug something; to yank something; to punch it (accelerate) more...
4.) birada - [noun] strike; punch; yank more...
5.) haguták - the sound of a sudden pulling out of an object, like a drawer or a foot that is stuck in mud; yank; snap; more...
6.) halbót - a sudden pulling or tugging of an object; yank; tug; jerk; pull; more...
7.) sintóg - [noun] yank more...
8.) hotan - to snatch; to pull at; snatch; tug; yank; jerk; more...
9.) labnót - to snatch or to pull at something; grab; snatch; yank; tug; more...
10.) halabót - a sudden act of drawing out, like a gun from its holster.; draw; pull out; yank; more...
11.) bagnit - snatch; to pull or take something suddenly and forcefully; grab; yank; tug; more...
12.) tangtáng - continuous and rapid pulling of a rope, string, or similar; yank; tug; pull; more...
13.) lutlót - strong and sudden tug to get or snatch something desired; yank; jerk; tug; pull; more...
14.) balták - [noun] yank more...
15.) galbót - a sudden pull or tug; any object or deed that is done in a shoddy or haphazard manner.; jerk; yank; tug; shoddy work; haphazard; more...
16.) dukwangín - [verb] to yank something; to grab something more...
17.) bumalták - [verb] to yank more...

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