

Filipino / Tagalog language translation for the meaning of the word yaya in the Tagalog Dictionary.

Definition for the Tagalog word yaya:

yaya  Play audio #1998
[noun] nanny; au pair; nurse maid; invitation; invited

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Kasama ni Ellie ang kaniyáng yaya sa páaralán.
Play audio #43319Audio Loop
Ellie was with her nanny in school.
Kumuha ng yaya si Angelica para kay Mik-Mik.
Play audio #43317Audio Loop
Angelica got (hired) a nanny for Mik-Mik.
Ipinaghahandâ ng pagkain si Billie ng kaniyáng yaya áraw-araw.
Play audio #43314Audio Loop
Billie's nanny prepares her meal every day.
Umuwî na sa probinsya ang yaya ni Conrad.
Play audio #43316Audio Loop
Conrad's nanny returned to the province.
Anóng oras bumábalík doón ang yaya ng ba para sunduín siyá?
Play audio #38421Audio Loop
What time does the child's nanny go back there to fetch her?
Related Words:
Words spelled the same with a different pronunciation, stress, or definition:
2:ya  Play audio #38295
[noun] invitation

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How to pronounce yaya:

Play audio #1998
Markup Code:
Related Filipino Words:
Related English Words:
nannyau pairnursemaidinvitationinvited
Grammatical Ligature:
This word plus a grammatical ligature would be:
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