
Small Tree in Tagalog

The best Filipino / Tagalog translation for the English word small tree.

The English word "small tree" can be translated as the following words in Tagalog:

1.) manikan - a type of shrub or small tree; shrub; bush; small tree; more...
2.) tatlóng-palad - a type of small tree; dwarf tree; small tree; more...
3.) bislot - a tree that grows about more or less 50 cm, with upright leaves that are smooth, and white flowers; shrub; bush; small tree; more...
4.) malulukbán - a species of small tree; small tree; more...
5.) buwénabista - a type of small tree; small tree; more...
6.) pakpák-balang - a species of small tree; small tree; shrub; bush; more...
7.) alahán - a shrub or small tree that has gray, mottled and smooth bark, and has roots that can be used as medicine.; medicinal plant; shrub; small tree; more...
8.) malasampaga - a type of small tree; shrub; bush; small tree; more...
9.) hanopól - a species of small tree; small tree; sapling; shrub; more...
10.) kulyak-dagâ - a shrub or small tree (canthium horridum), growing 2-5 meters tall, with hairy branches, yellowish-green flowers, and sour fruit; also known as dayap-dayap.; shrub; small tree; canthium horridum; more...
11.) tarokangá - a species of small tree; small tree; shrub; more...
12.) sukla - a type of herb or small tree; herb; shrub; small tree; more...

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