
Splinter in Tagalog

The best Filipino / Tagalog translation for the English word splinter.

The English word "splinter" can be translated as the following words in Tagalog:

Best translations for the English word splinter in Tagalog:
This is an especially good Filipino word match for the English keyword you've searched for. salubsób   [noun] splinter more...
This is an especially good Filipino word match for the English keyword you've searched for. subyáng   [noun] splinter more...

More matches for "splinter" in Tagalog:

1.) duróg - [adjective] crushed or broken to pieces; emotionally or psychologically devastated or crushed; defeated; splintered; [noun] drug addict (slang) more...
2.) bilá - to become chipped or to chip; chip; flake; splinter; more...
3.) pingaw - chip; fragment; shard; splinter; more...
4.) butóng-malatâ - 1. a small splinter or prickle that is embedded in the skin, which is difficult to see but can be felt. 2. the tough fibrous tissues found outside the vertebrae that are difficult to chew.; splinter; prickle; fibrous tissue; more...
5.) bisool - a sharp and piercing object for the foot, similar to a thorn or nail on the road; spike; thorn; prickle; splinter; more...
6.) pamantingin - a piece of a broken bottle, crystal, and similar items; shard; shatter; fragment; splinter; more...
7.) soryáng - [noun] splinter more...
8.) gatíd - a small thorn or splinter that has penetrated the skin, hard to see, but can be felt.; splinter; sliver; thorn; more...
9.) pinlír - variant of binlid; splinter; sliver; chip; shard; more...
10.) bisuól - [noun] splinter more...
11.) tionay - [noun] splinter more...
12.) bosuwáng - a thorn or splinter in the foot; a nail that has pierced the foot; splinter; thorn; spike; more...
13.) dupilpíl - a small piece or fragment; chip; fragment; shard; splinter; flake; more...

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