
Strut in Tagalog

The best Filipino / Tagalog translation for the English word strut.

The English word "strut" can be translated as the following words in Tagalog:

1.) palantayan - piece of wood or bamboo used as a support for a bedstead or table; brace; support; strut; more...
2.) tahilan - anything that serves as a brace or support in a framework.; brace; support; prop; strut; stay; more...
3.) modilyón - support; any brace or support used to erect or maintain a structure; brace; strut; stay; more...
4.) kulmát - in ancient visayan society, walking in a way that proudly shows off a new tattoo on the body; strut; swagger; more...
5.) táray-taray - a form or manner of walking that is usually characterized by swaying hips.; strut; sashay; swagger; more...
6.) tiín-tiin - a small piece of wood used as a support for the outriggers of a boat; brace; support; strut; more...
7.) kampáng - walking with swinging arms and swaying hips; strut; sashay; more...
8.) bakalan - a support for the wall; brace; support; strut; more...
9.) balakilan - a piece of wood placed transversely underneath the bars; crossbeam; crosspiece; brace; strut; more...
10.) sikang - a brace or support for a house or church resembling crossed beams; brace; support; strut; crossbeam; more...
11.) kindáy - [noun] gyrating hips; swishing walk; an affected gait; strutting more...

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