Stumble in Tagalog
The best Filipino / Tagalog translation for the English word stumble.The English word "stumble" can be translated as the following words in Tagalog:
Best translations for the English word stumble in Tagalog:
[verb] to trip on something (OF); to stumble on something (OF); to trip or stumble (AF)
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More matches for "stumble" in Tagalog:
3.) takid
to trip or stumble; to trip over something or stumble upon; trip; stumble; falter; more...
4.) matalapyok
[verb] to stumble, thereby causing one to twist the foot/ankle more...
5.) mapatapilok
[verb] to stumble, thereby causing one to twist the foot/ankle more...
7.) kaida
fall; the act of falling or stumbling; in a 'bahay-na-bato', the space between the staircase and the living room, used as an anteroom.; stumble; anteroom; foyer; more...
10.) tagkaro
hastily and clumsily moving as if about to fall or stumble; a type of nocturnal bird (lyncornis macrotis), larger than a quail, which typically lands on the ground with a crouching or sprawling posture.; scramble; hurry; stumble; great eared-nightjar; more...
11.) bayakír
a trip; the act of striking one's foot against something while walking or running, causing a loss of balance and resulting in a stumble or fall; trip; stumble; misstep; more...
12.) bayakíd
a trip; the act of one's foot hitting an object while walking or running, which causes a loss of balance and results in stumbling or falling.; trip; stumble; misstep; more...
13.) magkandarapà
[verb] to fall; to stumble more...
17.) tigkáng
sudden stop; to be momentarily caught or snagged, usually when walking or moving, leading to a stumble or interruption of smooth motion; halt; stumble; snag; interruption; more...
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