
Thrust in Tagalog

The best Filipino / Tagalog translation for the English word thrust.

The English word "thrust" can be translated as the following words in Tagalog:

Best translation for the English word thrust in Tagalog:
This is an especially good Filipino word match for the English keyword you've searched for. itarak   [verb] to thrust something into more...

More matches for "thrust" in Tagalog:

1.) isaksák - [verb] to plug something into a socket (e.g., a computer); to thrust something strongly against; to stab with something more...
2.) tingà - [noun] thrust; pierce more...
3.) kadyutín - [verb] to go to and fro; to give quick thrusts more...
4.) suwág - the act of thrusting or pushing with an animal's horns when it is angry; charge; gore; thrust; more...
5.) dowit - to throw something downward into the ground; to thrust something into the ground; plunge; thrust; embed; more...
6.) hagót - the act of pushing anything heavy; push; shove; thrust; more...
7.) dagildíl - the act of pushing in any manner or form; push; shove; thrust; more...
8.) pilwág - a kick; a sudden movement of the foot or leg; kick; thrust; jerk; more...
9.) sikad - a strong kick at anything; kick; punt; thrust; more...
10.) nulós - a form of the word 'bumulos'; thrust; push; surge; propel; more...
11.) tasák - to stab or thrust in; to pierce with a pointed object; stab; pierce; thrust; more...
12.) torlók - the act of poking with a long object like a stick.; poke; jab; prod; thrust; more...
13.) masangga - [verb] to be able to parry off a blow, thrust, etc. more...
14.) tarak - [noun] thrust; impalement more...
15.) iduldól - [verb] to shove something forward; to stub something (e.g., a cigarette) more...

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