
Tying in Tagalog

The best Filipino / Tagalog translation for the English word tying.

The English word "tying" can be translated as the following words in Tagalog:

1.) baat - the act of tying up a broken object; binding; tying; fastening; more...
2.) gaót - the act of knotting or tying on the edge of a basket; knotting; tying; binding; more...
3.) balitbít - the act of knotting or twisting a rope.; knotting; twisting; tying; more...
4.) atadura - the act of tying or binding.; tying; binding; fastening; more...
5.) kaluwás - the act of wrapping using a behuko; wrapping; binding; tying; more...
6.) balakil - act of binding or being bound together; binding; tying; more...
7.) pagbibigkís - the act or method of forming a bundle or bond; binding; tying; uniting; more...
8.) úlat-ulat - the act of tying or binding closely together; fastening tightly.; binding; tying; fastening; securing; more...
9.) gilagir - the act of tying together the bamboo flooring of a house; binding; tying; lashing; more...
10.) bilít - the act of tying between bamboos; binding; tying; lashing; more...
11.) pangkól - the act of tying up a person or animal in order to prevent escape; binding; restraining; tying; securing; more...
12.) baár - a native method of counting harvested rice by bundling or tying; bundling; tying; counting; more...
13.) balokay - the act of tying something as a whole; the entire tying process; binding; fastening; tying; more...
14.) pagbubuhól - [noun] tying a knot; getting tied in a knot; tying in a knot more...
15.) pana - [noun] anything used for tying more...
16.) ita - [verb] to tie something up; to tie something to/around; to tie something; to bind something more...
17.) talian - [verb] to tie something up; to bind something more...
18.) tumablá - [verb] to tie (end in a draw in a game or contest) more...
19.) lasuhin - [verb] to tie something in a ribbon (e.g., a bow or shoelaces) more...
20.) bigkisín - [verb] to bind something; to tie up something more...
21.) magta - [verb] to tie up more...

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