Filipino / Tagalog language translation for the meaning of the word ulam in the Tagalog Dictionary.Definition for the Tagalog word ulam:
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Root: ulam
Usage Notes:
Rice is the staple food of Filipinos and "ulam" is the term for the viand or dish or practically anything edible, e.g., fruits, salt, sugar, that is eaten along with it. It may also be used for what is eaten along with bread for as long as it is not placed inside or sandwiched in the bread. Once placed in the bread, it will already be called "palamán" (filling).
"Anó ang ulam natin mámayáng hapunan?" = (lit: What is our viand for supper later?) = What are we having for supper?
"Masaráp ba ang ulam mo?" = Is your viand delicious?
"Pang-ulam" (noun) = the viand that will be eaten with rice (May often be used in place of "ulam". The term just specifies, perhaps redundantly, that it will eaten along with rice).
"May pang-ulam ba tayo mámaya?" = Do we have something to eat with rice later?
"Masaráp ba ang pang-ulam mo?" = Is what you are/will be eating along with the rice delicious?
Common verb forms:
1. Mag-ulam (infinitive/imperative; subject-focused) - nag-ulam, nag-úulam/nag-uulam, mag-úulam/mag-uulam
2. Iulam (infinitive/imperative; object-focused) - iniulam, iniúulam/iniuulam, iúulam/iuulam (😀 each "i" and "u" is to be pronounced separately)
3. Ulaman (infinitive/imperative; object-focused) - inulaman, inúulaman, úulaman
All these verbs actually mean the same thing - "to eat viand (with rice/bread)" - but the sentence's structure changes depending on which verb is used.
For example, to say:
Have adobo as your viand (with rice/bread) =
1. "Mag-ulam KA NG adobo (SA kánin/tinapay)"
2. "Iulam MO ANG adobo (SA kánin/tinapay)"
3. "Ulaman MO NG adobo (ANG kánin/tinapay)"
I had adobo as my viand (with rice/bread) =
1. "Nag-ulam AKO NG adobo (SA kánin/tinapay)"
2. "Iniulam KO ANG adobo (SA kánin/tinapay)"
3. "Inulaman KO NG adobo (ANG kánin/tinapay)"
They will have adobo as their viand (with rice/bread) =
1. "Mag-uulam SILÁ NG adobo (SA kánin/tinapay)"
2. "Iúulam/Iuulam NILÁ ANG adobo (SA kánin/tinapay)"
3. "Uulaman NILÁ NG adobo (ANG kánin/tinapay)"
Each of these example sentences start with the verb.
"Anó ang ulam natin mámayáng hapunan?" = (lit: What is our viand for supper later?) = What are we having for supper?
"Masaráp ba ang ulam mo?" = Is your viand delicious?
"Pang-ulam" (noun) = the viand that will be eaten with rice (May often be used in place of "ulam". The term just specifies, perhaps redundantly, that it will eaten along with rice).
"May pang-ulam ba tayo mámaya?" = Do we have something to eat with rice later?
"Masaráp ba ang pang-ulam mo?" = Is what you are/will be eating along with the rice delicious?
Common verb forms:
1. Mag-ulam (infinitive/imperative; subject-focused) - nag-ulam, nag-úulam/nag-uulam, mag-úulam/mag-uulam
2. Iulam (infinitive/imperative; object-focused) - iniulam, iniúulam/iniuulam, iúulam/iuulam (😀 each "i" and "u" is to be pronounced separately)
3. Ulaman (infinitive/imperative; object-focused) - inulaman, inúulaman, úulaman
All these verbs actually mean the same thing - "to eat viand (with rice/bread)" - but the sentence's structure changes depending on which verb is used.
For example, to say:
Have adobo as your viand (with rice/bread) =
1. "Mag-ulam KA NG adobo (SA kánin/tinapay)"
2. "Iulam MO ANG adobo (SA kánin/tinapay)"
3. "Ulaman MO NG adobo (ANG kánin/tinapay)"
I had adobo as my viand (with rice/bread) =
1. "Nag-ulam AKO NG adobo (SA kánin/tinapay)"
2. "Iniulam KO ANG adobo (SA kánin/tinapay)"
3. "Inulaman KO NG adobo (ANG kánin/tinapay)"
They will have adobo as their viand (with rice/bread) =
1. "Mag-uulam SILÁ NG adobo (SA kánin/tinapay)"
2. "Iúulam/Iuulam NILÁ ANG adobo (SA kánin/tinapay)"
3. "Uulaman NILÁ NG adobo (ANG kánin/tinapay)"
Each of these example sentences start with the verb.
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