
Union in Tagalog

The best Filipino / Tagalog translation for the English word union.

The English word "union" can be translated as the following words in Tagalog:

Best translation for the English word union in Tagalog:

More matches for "union" in Tagalog:

1.) katipunan - [noun] society; assembly; union; collection more...
2.) pag-iisá - [noun] being alone; the state of being alone; loneliness; privacy; union more...
3.) buklód - [noun] bond; union more...
4.) pagsasanib - [noun] alliance; fusion; coalition; union; more...
5.) bukluran - [noun] union; association more...
6.) ugnâ - the act of splicing or joining together of two things; union; junction; splice; connection; more...
7.) gremyo - an association of people based on bloodline, race, or occupation; guild; union; association; society; fellowship; more...
8.) kalaguman - confederation; alliance; confederacy; federation; coalition; union; more...
9.) angkóm - union; bond; unity; connection; linkage; more...
10.) ligasón - bond; union; tie; link; connection; bondage; more...
11.) kumpederasyón - [noun] an association of people, parties, states, and the like for an agreed purpose.; confederation; alliance; federation; coalition; union; more...

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