
Unsteady in Tagalog

The best Filipino / Tagalog translation for the English word unsteady.

The English word "unsteady" can be translated as the following words in Tagalog:

Best translation for the English word unsteady in Tagalog:
This is an especially good Filipino word match for the English keyword you've searched for. mabuway   [adjective] shaky; weak; unsteady more...

More matches for "unsteady" in Tagalog:

1.) kalóg - [noun] shake; [adjective] shaky; unsteady; wobbly more...
2.) kalós - [adjective] unsteady; wobbly legs more...
3.) tubád - soft or not firm, like a plant that does not receive enough sunlight; limp; flimsy; weak; unsteady; more...
4.) litáng - unsteady, loose, or detached, and usually refers to the steps of a ladder or staircase; unsteady; loose; detached; more...
5.) ungî - unsteady; wobbly; unstable; shaky; rickety; tottery; more...
6.) instable - not stable; not steady or firmly fixed; unstable; insecure; unsteady; shaky; wobbly; more...
7.) tindoy - a straight and smooth shrub known as acanthus ilicifolius with paired thorns at the base of the stem and a sap used for making soap; an herb known as argemone mexicana that is straight and stout with greenish-white leaves and yellow flowers during summer; a term also used to describe something that is wavering or unsteady; shrub; herb; wavering; unsteady; more...

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