Filipino / Tagalog language translation for the meaning of the word wakas in the Tagalog Dictionary.Definition for the Tagalog word wakas:
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Root: wakas
Usage Notes:
"Pag-ibig na waláng wakás" = A love without end
"Hindí ko nágustuhán ang nagíng wakás ng kuwento ni Jack" = I did not like/get to like what became the ending of Jack's story.
Págwawakás = ending (the way something ends)
"Ang págwawakás ng kaniláng págkakaibigan ay ang págsisimulâ ng kaniláng pág-iibigán" = The ending of their friendship is/was the beginning of their romantic relationship.
"Sa wakás!" = At last/Finally!
"Dumatíng ka na rin sa wakás!" = You arrived, finally!
Common verb forms:
Magwakás = to end (subject-focused) - nagwakás, nagwáwakás, magwáwakás
Wakasán = to end something (object-focused) - winakasán, wináwakasán, wáwakasán
"Bigláng nagwakás ang pág-iibigán nina James at Anna" = The romantic relationship between James and Anna suddenly ended.
"Dito nagwáwakás ang aking kuwentong kutsero" = Here ends my cock-and-bull story ("kuwentong kutsero" literally means "story of a karetela/kalesa driver"; "karetela" and "kalesa" are single-horse drawn carriages that used to be popular modes of local transportation in the olden days)
"Wakasán na ninyó ang mga sámaan ninyó ng loób" = End your ill feelings towards/among each other already.
"Kapág nálaman niláng kauntî na lang ang nanood ng kaniláng teleserye, siguradong wáwakasán na nilá agád iyán" = When/If they find out that only a few are watching their TV drama series, for sure they'll put an ending to it at once.
"Sana'y Walá Nang Wakás" (Hoping/Wishing It Will Never End) was once a very popular Filipino love song.
"Hindí ko nágustuhán ang nagíng wakás ng kuwento ni Jack" = I did not like/get to like what became the ending of Jack's story.
Págwawakás = ending (the way something ends)
"Ang págwawakás ng kaniláng págkakaibigan ay ang págsisimulâ ng kaniláng pág-iibigán" = The ending of their friendship is/was the beginning of their romantic relationship.
"Sa wakás!" = At last/Finally!
"Dumatíng ka na rin sa wakás!" = You arrived, finally!
Common verb forms:
Magwakás = to end (subject-focused) - nagwakás, nagwáwakás, magwáwakás
Wakasán = to end something (object-focused) - winakasán, wináwakasán, wáwakasán
"Bigláng nagwakás ang pág-iibigán nina James at Anna" = The romantic relationship between James and Anna suddenly ended.
"Dito nagwáwakás ang aking kuwentong kutsero" = Here ends my cock-and-bull story ("kuwentong kutsero" literally means "story of a karetela/kalesa driver"; "karetela" and "kalesa" are single-horse drawn carriages that used to be popular modes of local transportation in the olden days)
"Wakasán na ninyó ang mga sámaan ninyó ng loób" = End your ill feelings towards/among each other already.
"Kapág nálaman niláng kauntî na lang ang nanood ng kaniláng teleserye, siguradong wáwakasán na nilá agád iyán" = When/If they find out that only a few are watching their TV drama series, for sure they'll put an ending to it at once.
"Sana'y Walá Nang Wakás" (Hoping/Wishing It Will Never End) was once a very popular Filipino love song.
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How to pronounce wakas:
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