
Wavering in Tagalog

The best Filipino / Tagalog translation for the English word wavering.

The English word "wavering" can be translated as the following words in Tagalog:

1.) pag-áatubilí - [noun] indecision; hesitating; hesitancy; wavering more...
2.) ulík - hesitation or having second thoughts about continuing with what should be done; hesitation; indecision; wavering; doubt; more...
3.) osilasyón - a rapid movement to the left and right; variation in opinion, belief, condition, etc.; regular increase and decrease in value or quantity; sway.; swaying; fluctuation; vibration; swing; wavering; more...
4.) pagdidíli-dili - a variant of hesitation; the act of being reluctant.; hesitation; reluctance; wavering; indecision; more...
5.) tindoy - a straight and smooth shrub known as acanthus ilicifolius with paired thorns at the base of the stem and a sap used for making soap; an herb known as argemone mexicana that is straight and stout with greenish-white leaves and yellow flowers during summer; a term also used to describe something that is wavering or unsteady; shrub; herb; wavering; unsteady; more...

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