With Yellow Flowers in Tagalog
The best Filipino / Tagalog translation for the English word with yellow flowers.The English word "with yellow flowers" can be translated as the following words in Tagalog:
1.) amagong
a densely branched shrub (thespesia lampas), with yellow flowers, considered a medicinal plant; medicinal shrub; thespesia lampas; more...
2.) gablós
pigeon pea; a shrub (cajanus cajan) that grows 1-2 meters high, branched, hairy, with yellow flowers, and its young seeds are edible; cajanus cajan; more...
3.) karyós
pigeon pea; a shrub (cajanus cajan) that grows 1-2 meters tall, branching, hairy, with yellow flowers, and its young seeds are edible; cajanus cajan; more...
4.) ayangili
a tree (acacia confusa) that grows up to 12 meters tall, with yellow flowers, native to the philippines, southeast asia, and taiwan; formosa acacia; small philippine acacia; taiwan acacia; more...
5.) kadyós
a shrub (cajanus cajan) that grows 1-2 meters high, branched, hairy, with yellow flowers, and its young seeds are edible; pigeon pea; red gram; more...
6.) búlak-bulak
búlak-búlak; a dense shrub (thespesia lampas), with yellow flowers, considered as a medicinal plant; amagong; shrub; medicinal plant; more...
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