

Filipino / Tagalog language translation for the meaning of the word mamili in the Tagalog Dictionary.

Definition for the Tagalog word mamili:

mami  Play audio #23387
[verb] to choose; to select

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Verb conjugations of mamili:

Actor Focus Icon
Root: piliConjugation Type: Mang-
Completed (Past):
Uncompleted (Present):
Contemplated (Future):
mami  Play audio #23387
Completed (Past):
nami  Play audio #23388
Uncompleted (Present):
namimi  Play audio #23389
Contemplated (Future):
mamimi  Play audio #23390
Verb family:
piliin  |  
pumi  |  
mapi  |  
mákapi  |  
pagpilián  |  
papiliin  |  
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Mami ka.
Play audio #29804 Play audio #29805Audio Loop
Make your selection / choice.
Mamimi akó ng mga kandidatong iboboto ko.
Play audio #29806 Play audio #29807Audio Loop
I will be choosing the candidates I will vote for.
Huwág kang mami ng mga pulong na dádaluhán.
Play audio #37432Audio Loop
Don't choose which meetings to attend.
Nami kamí ng mga lumang damít na pwede na nating ipamigáy.
Play audio #43136Audio Loop
We chose from our old clothes those that we may already give away.
Namimi si Dolly sa pagkain.
Play audio #29802 Play audio #29803Audio Loop
Dolly is choosy with food.
Related Words:
Words spelled the same with a different pronunciation, stress, or definition:
2:mamilí  Play audio #23105
[verb] to go shopping; to shop; to buy

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How to pronounce mamili:

Play audio #23387
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