
Strike in Tagalog

The best Filipino / Tagalog translation for the English word strike.

The English word "strike" can be translated as the following words in Tagalog:

Best translation for the English word strike in Tagalog:
This is an especially good Filipino word match for the English keyword you've searched for. magwelga   [verb] to strike (employment); to go on strike; Example Sentences Available Icon1 Example Sentence Available » more...

More matches for "strike" in Tagalog:

1.) tirahin - [verb] to strike or hit something; to pop something (e.g., a drug); to take a hit of something; to fuck someone (slang/vulgar) more...
2.) paluin - [verb] to spank someone; to beat someone/something; to hit someone/something; to whip someone/something; to strike someone/something Example Sentences Available Icon2 Example Sentences Available » more...
3.) hirit - [noun] striking; strike; chiming in; talking back; retort; remarks; engaging in banter; calling for; asking; hit; puff; requesting; [adjective] full force more...
4.) humirit - [verb] to answer back / retort; to strike back; to ask for (slang) more...
5.) pumaták - [verb] to fall; to drop; to strike (as in a clock striking 3) more...
6.) aklás - [noun] strike more...
7.) gulpí - [noun] hit; strike; beating; blow more...
8.) hatawin - [verb] to strike something; to hit something Example Sentences Available Icon1 Example Sentence Available » more...
9.) birá - [noun] strike; punch; yank more...
10.) salpukín - [verb] to strike against something; to bump against something Example Sentences Available Icon1 Example Sentence Available » more...
11.) mag-aklás - [verb] to strike more...
12.) tígil-pasada - [noun] strike; worker's strike more...
13.) birada - [noun] strike; punch; yank more...
14.) paghahampasín - [verb] to strike someone; to strike someone repeatedly more...
15.) palitawín - [verb] to make something noticeable; to strike something more...
16.) biwas - a strike; a swift or forceful blow; strike; blow; hit; punch; more...
17.) sungkól - to hit or to punch using a fist.; strike; punch; hit; more...
18.) deméritó - a mark against a person due to unsatisfactory deed or behavior; demerit; black mark; strike; more...
19.) laginít - whip; lash; scourge; strike; more...
20.) songgó - punch or strike; punch; hit; strike; blow; smack; more...
21.) dumá - [verb] to spank someone; to beat someone/something; to hit someone/something; to whip someone/something; to strike someone/something more...
22.) sumbî - punch, usually to the chin or mouth; punch; jab; hit; strike; more...
23.) lisór - the act of kicking or hitting using the tip of the foot; kick; strike; punt; more...
24.) yakís - the act of hitting or whipping using a rattan stick, sword, rope, or any object that results in a bruise; strike; whip; lash; beat; flog; more...
25.) puliagan - a strike; a hit; hit; strike; beat; whack; bash; more...
26.) talampí - striking or slapping using the hands; slap; smack; hit; strike; more...
27.) hagkís - whip; lash; scourge; flog; strike; more...
28.) hagibás - a strike or hit with a blindfold, as in the game of pabitin; strike; hit; whip; lash; more...
29.) hampilos - a strong, vigorous slap or stroke; slap; smack; hit; strike; more...
30.) kutós - [noun] strike or blow on the head with the knuckles of the hand more...
31.) aklasan - [noun] strike more...
32.) hampasín - [verb] to whack something; to smack something; to swat something; to hit something Example Sentences Available Icon1 Example Sentence Available » more...

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