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BILAS: TDC Corpus Tool

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*** Important: Non-members of can search up to 8,024,827 words of sample text, however registered members have access to a larger body of sample text including 24,008,381 words. That's equivalent to 291 three-hundred page novels worth of text in Tagalog! Consider creating an account - it's 100% free and gives you access to all features of this site.***

Possible matching dictionary entries found:   1. bilas  
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Scanning 8,024,827+ words in "Default / Mix" for "bilas"...  

Results found by count:  
bilas: 2 instances found

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...fave salon kc naoverhear nya ata na gusto namin magparebond nung isa pa nyang daughter in law - bilas ko ba tawag dun? So un, every xmas may present xa saken, wala kay hubby. Hahaha. She buys me bras and clothes kc same kc ng size, napakagalante nya in all aspect sa mga anak namin. Aside from that,...
...Na. "Ang hirap palang matraffic sa EDSA" = "Ang hirap pala na matraffic sa EDSA" Ang tawag don, bilas mo. Taking the words from your mouth: ang Okada ay pribadong sektor. So dapat huwag na sila magkalat. The problem doesn't begin with disposal. It starts with producing/acquiring the trash to begin...

Display count: 2

* If you need audio examples, try searching in the Listening Practice audio transcripts or the Example Sentences entries.