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BOKSING: TDC Corpus Tool

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Possible matching dictionary entries found:   1. boksing  
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Scanning 8,024,827+ words in "Default / Mix" for "boksing"...  

Results found by count:  
boksing: 3 instances found

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...tho**. Kung nanalo nga cya fair and square, edi maganda. Parang medyo nakakalungkot lng na pati boksing nabahidan na ng dumi ng politika. ​ Medyo natatakot tuloy ako na baka mahawaan na din pati mga tv programs. Baka yun ang pumalit sa dating out of place "call outs" sa mga food suplements...
...of the pre-campaign meetings that involved Duterte, Marcos, Arroyo, etc. Para matapos na ang boksing at maging imposible ang mental gymnastics. Am I the asshole? Background: I'm someone living solo since I worked in Manila. So yung pc ko siempre ako lang gumagamit tsaka yung phone ko na high end.... technical na fighter sia kumpara kei pacman, at isa pa, exciting din sia panuorin. Sa mga boksing fans jan, sino-sino pa yung mga pilipinong boksingero na mai mga magagandang laban maliban kai Luisito(my new fav!), pacquiao, at donaire? Bago man o yung mga luma. Tapos na ata yung anihan ng time...

Display count: 3

* If you need audio examples, try searching in the Listening Practice audio transcripts or the Example Sentences entries.